The Advantages of Using Photo Enhancement

17 March 2023

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When capturing memories, we all want our photos to look their best. But what does it mean to "enhance" an image? Photo enhancement involves adjusting various elements of an image, such as contrast and clarity, to make it more visually appealing. While many tools are available for digital photo enhancement, professional help can make a big difference in the final result.

This is especially important when using photos for funeral printing materials like prayer cards, funeral programs, and thank you cards. These cards require a certain level of respect and sensitivity that only a professional photo enhancer can provide. At FuneralPrints, we offer photo enhancement services for clients looking to create beautiful printed materials using photos of their loved ones who have passed away. 

You may also shop our fully customizable memorial funeral blankets or customize them perfectly using our easy-to-follow template.


Why should you care about photo enhancement?

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Photos are a way to capture memories and moments that we want to remember forever. However, as time passes, these photos can become worn down or faded, losing some of their original quality.

That's where photo enhancement comes in—it can breathe new life into older or worn-down photos by improving the brightness, color, and overall quality. When memorializing a loved one who has passed away, you want their image captured in the best light possible.

>Photo enhancement can help achieve this goal by highlighting the details and making the photo look its best. Moreover, you can save digitally enhanced photographs in digital form for years, preserving them for future generations.

Which types of photos are most often in need of enhancement?

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Do you have some old photos of your loved one that you want to upload? Maybe they are worn, cracked, or decolored black-and-white photos you want to bring back to life. Or perhaps they are low-resolution or pixelated, making it difficult to see your loved one's face.

Whatever the case, enhancing your photos starts with finding the best way to get them online and touched up. That's where the right professionals, like the team at Funeral Prints

Our experienced team can gently restore your old photos to look brand new. We can fix cracks, tears, and discoloration — transform black-and-white images into color and use them to represent your loved one best.


Image from istock 

Planning a funeral is emotionally draining. It's even more difficult when tasked with creating printed materials to honor your loved one's life. At Funeral Prints, we understand how important it is to ensure that your printed materials accurately represent your loved one's life.

We're here to help make that process easier. Seeing deceased people appear in older photos that look beautifully enhanced can ease the burden for family and friends. That's why we offer a wide range of photo enhancement services, including:


Removal of blemishes

Brightening Removing borders/frames, people/objects from the background

Background blur or replacement

Restoration of pixelization

Fixing rips, tears, etc.

You only need to scan and upload your loved one's photo from your computer or device. You can do this through our normal ordering system, but you can also email us the picture directly. We want to make sure that the printed materials you create for your loved one are of the highest quality, and we're here to help you every step of the way.


Planning a funeral is challenging, and we understand how important it is to get the details right. At Funeral Prints, we're here to help you every step of the way. We walk our customers through the photo enhancement process, ensuring the work is done correctly and quickly.

So call our friendly phone staff at 1-800-774-4313 today with free assistance in designing, creating, and ordering the funeral printing services you need. All orders entered before 3 pm EST are shipped out the same day, Monday through Friday.