Baby Loss Poems: Funeral Poems & Memorial Prayers

15 November 2021

Funeral Poems and Memorial Prayers for Young Ones

There is no greater sorrow than the loss of a child. For friends and family of the grieving parents, it is heartbreaking to see loved ones in so much pain and it can be difficult to know how to provide solace. It may be seemingly impossible for those who have lost a child to deal with the emotional turmoil and share their feelings. Finding words to memorialize such a short and priceless life is truly daunting.

For many, reading or reciting poems that commemorate a child's life and express the anguish and sadness of loss provide a cathartic type of comfort to mourners. Still, sometimes it doesn't feel quite right to be Googling "baby loss poems" and going through page after page of such heartrending material. If anything, a child's passing reminds us that time is precious.

That's why we have curated some of these resources as a starting point for you, with poems and pages we feel have some beautiful writing and are easier on the eyes. So whether you are consoling yourself or others or looking for a memorial verse to recite at a child's funeral, we hope to make that process a little easier.

Religious Memorial Verses (Christian)'s collection of baby loss poems — including some from the child's point of view — is poignant and comforting.

  • Many people choose verses from the Old and New Testament for a more formal, more religious ceremony, like the ones listed on's page.

Non-religious Memorial Verses

  • This compilation by features verses, quotations, and poems from various sources, including pieces written for actual memorials.
  • While there are a couple of entries with general references to "God" and "angels," for the most part, this selection of longer, elegy-like writings compiled by is non-denominational and stirring.

Sometimes it's harder to find verses relating to miscarriages, stillborn births, or Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. So here are a few very personal pieces on

Visual/Social Media Sharing

  • provides many baby loss verses and poems with different fonts, backgrounds, and styles that are easy to share on social networks or digital memorial pages.
  • This BabyLossMamas Facebook group offers shareable content — posted by members — as well as videos and artwork.

Baby and Child Memorial Ideas

Whether an adult or child has passed on, there is little joy in planning a funeral or memorial. At the same time, most people want to commemorate their loved ones uniquely and memorably. Here are a few ways to incorporate readings and recitations by those left behind. 

  • PowerPoint Slide Show. Compile a few of the best memorial verses and set them to music and images of the child to celebrate a beautiful life cut short.
  • Memorial Collage Display. Create an unforgettable, poignant piece with photographs, patterns, verses, and images, put together with a theme and in the way your heart decides.
  • Memorial Instagram Page. Post pictures of the child's life and cut and paste memorial verses. Invite followers to comment on memories.
  • Memorial Facebook Group. Seek solace from each other. Create a group and invite the child's loved ones. This way, everyone can comment, share pictures and poems, and keep memories alive.

As difficult as it is to deal with and accept the loss of a child — whether yours or a loved one's — sometimes reading and hearing the words of others who have grieved before can help start the healing journey.